Pack 49 Newsletter - 11/19/2018
Pinewood Derby Time!

Pinewood Derby time is right around the corner in January! Interested in volunteering as a member of the Pinewood Derby committee? Looking for any opportunity to test-run an old derby car before race day? Join the Pinewood Derby Committee!
The committee works to organize the workshops, awards, track testing, weigh-ins ad race day. The PWD is always a highlight of the scouting year and we need your help to make it happen. Email Paul White if interested (
Popcorn Results Are In!
Great job, Pack 49. The Pack sold over $8,000

worth of popcorn this year! We had great participation and did well at Show & Sale. This effort helps with the cost of Pack activities, including the overnight trip to the Houston Natural History Museum next spring. Well done, everyone! Thanks to John Riddle and Marcus Boruff for leading the effort.
December Pack Meeting
Join the Pack on Thursday, December 20, 2018, for Caroling along Arroyo Seco. Enjoy the luminarias and celebrate the start of winter break. Meet at Brentwood Park at the Pavilion (north of school) at 6:30 pm.
Mark Your Calendars
Check out the Pack Calendar for more information.